Opioid Epidemic

Opioid Epidemic

In the late 1990s in the United States, there was a prompt growth in the usage of non-prescribed and prescribed opioid drugs. This was considered the opioid crisis or opioid epidemic. Throughout the 1st two decades of the 2000s, this crisis continued in the country. Read More

Providing Free College Education to Prisoners

College Education to Prisoners

Free College Education to Prisoners – One of the methods through which security risks can be eliminated in prisons is engaging prisons in education. As for prisoners, one of the crucial challenges related to incarceration is monotony, due to which frustration often results, eventually increasing the risk of injury to other prisoners and the staff. Read More

Opium Trade

In the 18th and 19th centuries, a contrivance known as the opium trade emerged. Opium developed in India was exported to Western countries like Great Britain. It was sold to China for luxury goods like tea, silk, and porcelain due to their huge demand in the West. In the early 7th century, Arab and Turkish traders first introduced opium to China. Read More

Rheumatoid Arthritis

The etiology of rheumatoid arthritis comprises three factors: (a) infection caught through bacteria like androgen and mycoplasma appear to have a low virulence. In periarticular and particular parts of immunocompromised hosts, destruction and inflammation are caused. Read More

The Pros and Cons of Sex Addiction

Sex Addiction

Sex addiction is a disorder whose consequences occur due to an individual’s engagement within an activity, i.e., shopping, sex or gambling or consumption of a substance, e.g., nicotine, cocaine or alcohol, which is referred to as an addiction. There are various types of addiction. Some of them result in behaviors adopted from the social environment. This essay will critically reflect upon one of the most common addictions: sex. It will discuss its pros and cons, the social humiliations linked with it, viewpoints of media regarding its prevention and treatment and concludes whether it is a good or bad thing. Read More

How To Buy An Essay On Policy Making

Buy Custom Essays on Policy Making and Much More!

Policy making comes under the umbrella of company administration. When a company has employees, they cannot work until proper corporate policies are implemented. Each department has a proper set of policies made after consensus with the employees. The policies implemented in different organizations vary with the size of the organization. Read More

Student Loans

Students in America are borrowing money by using their credit cards, mortgages, student and car loans. Borrowing more money does not look like a good idea, but it is actually a good indication for the US economy. It means Americans aren’t hoarding their money, but spending it which should possibly improve the economy. It’s also good news that a smaller portion of today’s total debt is in some form of delinquency, meaning more bills are being paid on time. That’s true for just about every form of debt except student loans. The total outstanding student loan balance is $1.08 trillion, out of which 11.5% of it is 90+ defaults. That’s the highest default rate among all forms of debt and the only one that’s been on the rise consistently since 2003. Read More