Research Paper Idea on Kalief Browder

Buy Research Paper on Kalief Browder – A Story That Ended Too Soon and Too Badly

“I lost my childhood, I lost my happiness”

These were the words of Kalief Browder, a name that is making waves around the United States of America. The young man was arrested for allegedly stealing a person’s backpack – for which he was never given a chance to stand trial – and kept in prison for three whole years while he waited for the trial that would not come up. Read More

Student Loans

Students in America are borrowing money by using their credit cards, mortgages, student and car loans. Borrowing more money does not look like a good idea, but it is actually a good indication for the US economy. It means Americans aren’t hoarding their money, but spending it which should possibly improve the economy. It’s also good news that a smaller portion of today’s total debt is in some form of delinquency, meaning more bills are being paid on time. That’s true for just about every form of debt except student loans. The total outstanding student loan balance is $1.08 trillion, out of which 11.5% of it is 90+ defaults. That’s the highest default rate among all forms of debt and the only one that’s been on the rise consistently since 2003. Read More